Referral Program

At the Flutter Bounty Hunters we build open source packages, funded by companies that need those packages, and who want to grow the Flutter and Dart community.

But we need your help!

Many of you out there have relationships with companies that are using Flutter. We’d like for you to help us recruit those companies as clients - and we’ll pay you to do it!

As a team of developers, solving Flutter and Dart problems is easy. That’s what we do. But our work doesn’t put us in board rooms, executive suites, or other places where we might interface with decision makers at companies that are using Flutter. This is where you come in.

For every company that you bring to us, which becomes a funding client of the Flutter Bounty Hunters, we’ll pay you 10% of our total billable revenue from that client for three billing cycles (about three months).

Putting that offer in perspective, let’s assume that you help us recruit a single client. The following numbers will show you a few possible outcomes:

All we’re asking you to do is identify companies that might benefit from our open source help, and then provide a warm introduction to a decision maker at that company. After that, if we can work out an arrangement with the company, you’ll receive a 10% Finder’s Fee. Simple as that.

How to refer a client

Talk to the prospective client

Reach out to the company that you want to refer to the Flutter Bounty Hunters. Talk with them about what we do, and build initial interest on their behalf.

Connect us with the prospective client

After building interest with the prospective client, connect them with the Flutter Bounty Hunters by sending an introductory email to the client and to the Flutter Bounty Hunters.

In the email, introduce the client that you're referring, and describe that client's interest in Flutter Bounty Hunter services. From there, the Flutter Bounty Hunters will take over the conversation.

Wait for an update

Once you've connected the Flutter Bounty Hunters with a prospective client, the two parties will discuss opportunities to work together. These conversations can take weeks or months. We will notify you when that conversation reaches a resolution.

Get paid

If the client that you referred signs a contract with the Flutter Bounty Hunters, then you'll receive 10% of all billable revenue from that client for three consecutive billing cycles. Please see the "Details" section to learn about the payment schedule.

Details and restrictions

Please see the "Detail" section for all terms, schedules, and restrictions.


No conflicts of interest

If you’d like to take us up on our offer, please ensure that you don’t have any conflicts of interest with the company that you refer, or the company where you currently work, or any other relevant party. For example, if you work for the company that you’re referring, you need to make sure that accepting such a payment isn’t a violation of your employment agreement. Moreover, in such a situation, you should explicitly receive permission from your company to engage in a paid referral.

Only available in US-compatible states and territories

Finder’s Fee payments will made from the US. Therefore, this offer is only valid in states and territories to which a US citizen may legally remit payment.

Payment schedule

Finder’s Fees are paid upon receipt of funds from clients. Clients are invoiced at the beginning of each month. Typically, each client has 15-30 days to pay the invoice. Finder’s Fees will be paid out upon receipt of funds from the client. For example, a client that’s invoiced May 1st might pay the invoice June 1st, which means the Finder’s Fee would be paid out shortly after June 1st.

Payment term

Finder’s Fee payments will be made for three consecutive payment cycles, totaling 10% of all revenue received from the referred client within that period of time. If a client doesn’t pay funds that are due to Flutter Bounty Hunters, then no Finder’s Fee will be paid. If a client cancels its contract with the Flutter Bounty Hunters before the completion of three payment cycles, no Finder’s Fee will be paid subsequent to the contract cancellation. Finder’s Fees will equal 10% of the revenue that is actually received by the Flutter Bounty Hunters.

Payment form and method

All payments will be made in US dollars. The Flutter Bounty Hunters will work to accommodate the payment method preferences of each Finder’s Fee recipient. However, any and all charges associated with paying a Finder’s Fee will be taken out of the Finder’s Fee, itself, i.e., the Finder’s Fee recipient pays charges associated with the chosen payment method.